1. What had to be done before Nick and Abby went for their special ride? The fence
2. Explain what a ‘bike track’ is? A bike track is just an empty lane that can be used for bikes.
3. Why did they ride their bikes in single file? Because if they went in different lanes they could lose each other.
4. Explain where their track started and finished? the track started at the house and ended at a grassy hillside.
Have you ever seen a bike track or know what one is. Its really cool because when you go up or down a hill it will feel amazing.)
If you ever go for a bike ride with people then you will have to make sure that you and the other people have to stick together because if yous split up then you will lose eachother.)
If you ever go to your aunties house and there is a bike track near it you could take your bike and go see what is around it.